image of parent and child holding hands

Social services are there to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable children and adults. It is important to note that social services must follow certain procedures when it comes to ensuring the welfare of a child.

For today’s post, we discuss some of the most common questions parents have when it comes to social services and the rights they have to remove children from a home.

Can Social Services Take Away my Child?

Social services can only remove a child (or children) from their home if it has been ordered by the court, or you (as the parent) agree for the child to be taken.

Where there is a suggestion that a child may be removed from your home, it is important to seek legal advice straight away, either from a solicitor or the Family Group advice line.

I Think My Child’s Social Worker is Unfair, Can I have a Different One?

If you believe that you have been treated unfairly by your child’s social worker, you are allowed to request a new one, but it is not your right to be granted a different one. In the instance that you believe you have been treated unfairly, you should speak to the social worker’s manager. You may also ask for a copy of the complaints procedure for your reference.

Can a Social Services Interview my Child Without me?

Yes. A social worker will want to talk to a child without a parent or guardian present so that they may hear the child’s views. You should be informed before the social worker speaks to the child. In the event that you prevent a social worker from talking to your child, this may be a cause for further concern.

Broadbents Solicitors: Child Care Proceedings

If social services have begun court proceedings or informed you that they may do so we can provide invaluable advice. Please call our dedicated team today or send your enquiry through to our contact form.

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